Art Thursdays: Modernized Art

Last week we played, “pick a piece of art that most represents your ideal vacation” on this page.  This week? What if an artist you like were painting today.  Maybe it is a political piece, like Delacroix’s huge 1830 Liberty  (capturing that year’s uprising against the king).  Today, he might have painted the woman who scaled the flagpole on the South Carolina state house grounds and removed the confederate flag.

liberty delacroix

Someone has already made a famous spoof of Vermeer’s Girl with the Pearl Earring:

girl with a digital camera

I rather enjoyed this wonderful pop art spoof of Warhol’s Soup Cans – modernized for the vegan world.  What’s your favorite painting that could be updated to reflect current times?  This is a fun game to play (with or without kids) at an art museum.



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