

Nick swears that if you have to lose weight, “paleo” is one of the least bad way to go.   However, he’s developed a kind of snarky take on paleo that helps combat those people who point out that your 3 ozs of quinoa or your baked potato is nothing a caveman would have ever had available which makes me want to go right for a giant topping of sour cream just to spite them. God, I HATE judge-y eaters. I mean, they chastise you for your potato but it’s not like they are wearing a loin cloth and most of them would recoil if  you invited them to join you for a day of bow hunting in the NH woods.  So, Nick’s take on paleo is that you want to eat like a later-era hunter gatherer  – you know, the ones who happened to be lucky enough to live in proximity to a neighboring community that was just figuring out the whole farming angle.  Your standard fare would be of course be the meat, roots, shoots and fruits/berries diet, but it would jazzed up whenever possible with the occasional violent and exhilarating raid of your neighbors, these nascent carb producers.  You can see it right there in the picture above – hunter gatherer spear guy is morphing into farming rake guy – Nick and I call this stage of eating, “opportunistic late-stage paleo” or OLPALEO.  I’m thinking it might really enhance my enjoyment of these carb binges if I dressed in skins and feathers, pulled into the Seven-Eleven at about 80 mph, came to a screeching halt, jumped out of the car, ran in and gave a war cry on my way to the cash register with my 32 oz Big Gulp.


Speaking of Big Gulps, I continue to ponder the whole Mayor Bloomberg logic of banning these mega-sized drinks.  Truth told, I’m a libertarian at heart – paint your cave with whatever color animal drawings meet your fancy.  Build the biggest bonfire you want in back of your cave.  Just don’t tell me I can’t wander around naked if I want to.  So, going back to Bloomberg and his very anti-libertarian stance, I mean, if that rule had passed, wouldn’t people who wanted a 32 oz drink with 91 grams of sugar (yes, you read that right, 91 grams)  just purchase two 16 oz versions of the same drink?  But, I digress…

So yes, paleo.  In my mind, it is kind of a fetishy, nonsensical, trendy idea that heroicizes manipulating your eating patterns in a public fashion that serves to make you feel great in part by tacitly making others feel worthless and weak.  I still don’t think that most paleo eaters have any true idea how actual living, breathing cows or steers become  pre-packaged styrofoam trays of hamburger (they probably don’t know how a bull becomes a steer either, but that’s for another day). If they did know, they might very well have chosen veganism instead. But, I do think most of us collectively worry about What The Heck is in most things we call “food,”  and we are desperate to pursue another path. So, no, I’m never going to be a paleo “purist.”  That being said, paleo with a healthy dose of opportunistic carb binging seems like a great way to go into one’s 50s – particularly since I think I rank as a paleo eater because I AM someone who has actually witnessed the entire process of a bull becoming a steer and finally becoming the burger on my plate.


At 50, I really thought I would have left the security of the cave and be venturing further and further out into life.  But, surprisingly, the cave is calling me back.  Cave imagery is everywhere in my life and so I plan to embrace it with this new “Dispatch from the Cave” Blog.  Recent thoughts from the cave that have hit me:

  • Whenever I put on my ugly but functional Tevas – face it, neanderthals would have KILLED for Tevas – these things are like snow shoes, but for summer.
  • Tossing wall balls at the wall of the CrossFit gym and mostly missing the mark- I feel much as a neanderthal must have felt chucking boulders over the cliff at a herd of passing gazelle.
  • Hunched over a keyboard-shades pulled to conserve heat or cool depending on the season – I’m like some ascetic mystic -musing on the mundanity of life in this blog or on the pages of FaceBook.
  • With each paleo bite taken, in my new-found quest for healthy eating that satisfies.  NOT that I think paleo is the end all and be all – for sure it isn’t – wait for more postings on that topic!  But dammit, there are only so many wall balls you can throw in a day – and by my calculations, a pack of M&Ms equals about 375 chucks of the 14 pounder.  In neanderthal time, I’m pretty sure 375 boulders would have secured me at least 3 dead gazelles; I try and remember the thrill of a gazelle BBQ as I’m heading down the candy aisles at CVS.

And so, friends, I invite you to join me – visit here, invite friends and sit by this virtual e-cave of shared thought.  You can sit down by the fireside of fifty-plus, share your tales and listen to mine.  Welcome!
